Monday, February 15, 2010

Why don't you put your hair back on and come on back?

Just come on back...

Sometimes I feel I'm wearing a mask I don't remember putting on.
Most see me as quite reserved, and always aware of my position with regard to the implications of my interaction with other people.
But sometimes I wonder if my behavior doesn't exemplify my true intent. Sometimes I think it acts as a defense mechanism, one more powerful than even I can understand.
I haven't dated in awhile, but usually when I do, if I get too many phone calls I just stop answering the phone.
I don't know if I cherish "me time" more than most, or if my behavior is self-destructive, ensuring that I will remain alone.
Still, there are exceptions to the rule. People who cause me to rack my brain for an excuse to start a conversation with them. These people afford a glimmer of hope.

One such person seemed equally fascinated by me in the beginning, and the effortless ability to hold a conversation for hours or carry it over for days made me wonder if I too was worthy of companionship.
Now the conversations are fewer, shorter...and I find myself fanning a dying flame while the other person waits for the embers to go dark. The thought that I could need something that isn't essential to my being makes me feel pathetic. And when my thoughts drift back to the fire, I wonder if it's ever in the mind of that other person or if I am completely alone in this.

I wonder how something that seemed to fit together so perfectly could be broken apart and slip away without warning, how one could be left with a void and the other think nothing of it.
And if I was unworthy, I wonder why this person was ever a part of my life, why one would be made to seem so perfectly compatible with me, only to be lost.
I wonder if in knowing me well, all interest faded away.
I feel abandoned.
I wonder if some people exist, beautiful, distant, perfect...just to make us suffer.
And I marvel at the idea that someone who once made me feel intelligent, interesting, and significant could make me feel so much less than before they entered my life.


  1. i'm not gonna lecture you this time i swear!!!!!

  2. Thank you.
    Just let me revel in my girl feelings for awhile.
    They pass.
