Sunday, March 21, 2010

Congratulations on ruining America...

Never mind the fact that the health care bill gives racial preferences which are unconstitutional and violate the Civil Rights Act.
Never mind that it will increase the deficit to an unprecedented degree.
Never mind that even liberal media reported that at least 6 out of every 10 Americans didn't want it passed.
Just ignore all those people in the lobby screaming "Kill the bill," those people, your constituents.
Just ignore the fact that the AMA is made up of only 17% of doctors, so having their approval doesn't mean anything. Ignore the fact that most doctors hated this idea.
Ignore the process, ignore the constitution, ignore the people, ignore everything which made this country great.
Obama was a constitutional scholar.
To study it and still ignore it or find ways to bypass it shows that he has no respect for it. If you don't respect this document, the greatest document every created in the history of the world, then you don't respect America.
He is officially the worst president in history.
Words cannot describe how much I hate him.


  1. i agree with you, and this bill and all others like it violate an even bigger concept in the constitution, the most important one of all, a persons right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
    disregarding all the other derivative problems the passing of this bill will cause, it is simply immoral! in the same way and for the same reason Social Security is. it demands and forces some people to live for the sake of other people. just because someone "needs" health care or a retirement fund (or anything else for that matter) doesnt mean someone ELSE should provide it for them. people scream and shout and stamp their feet saying "I have a RIGHT to "free" health care!" in the same manner that they scream "I have a right to a job" and "i have a right to food and clothing and a roof over my head" without considering for one second the rights, the minds and the effort of the people who would have to provide them. the source of rights is the principal of identity, i.e.- A is A and the only fundamental right is the right to your own life.
    i get so sick of hearing about minorities and how their rights have to be protected...wanna know who the smallest minority is? the individual! yet all these political traitors to the constitution would forcibly wipe out a person's rights at the drop of a hat for some noble ideal of the "common good", as if that exists anymore than an entity called "society" exists.

    no they dont respect America and they're hell bent on destroying it with all this socialist, communist, collectivist, altruistic drivel.

    anyway, its nice to see you here again ;)

  2. I'm glad you agree.
    This makes me so angry.

    I write to my representatives with a subject line that reads "VOTE 'NO' ONE HEALTH CARE" and get an automated response thanking me for agreeing with them, making it obvious that they and their people didn't bother to read always.

    The idiots who support this don't realize that nothing is free. Someone always pays.
    I have tons of medical problems and I'd rather die than force my fellow Americans to pay my bills. What's worse, even if I wanted them to, getting quality care is never going to happen now.
    Talk to a Canadian...any Canadian. They all have to get supplemental plans because the government plan isn't enough and their care is neither effective nor efficient.

    Being that I'm closer to being a libertarian than any other party and I don't believe everything I read, I wanted to think of Obama as simply inexperienced and someone who I just couldn't see eye to eye with, but after all of this, it's harder for me to believe that he doesn't want to destroy this country completely.
    People unwittingly elected a PRESIDENT who hates America and that is terrifying to me.

    Also, I totally agree with you on Social Security.
    I don't think Bush was a good President, but people calling him the worst is way me FDR was way worse for establishing Social Security. Now it's Obama, then FDR.

    Hey, just out of curiosity, where do you fall on Abortion?
    I know a lot of libertarians favor the kid's "right to life" over the woman's "right to choose." Just wondering what you think.
    Did you hear the Republicans yell "Baby Killer" at Stupak?

    Anyway, thanks for welcoming me back:)

  3. i almost married a Canadian about 10 years ago so i got a pretty good firsthand account of their health care system. apparently many Canadian health professionals have emigrated to the USA, isnt THAT telling enough of what socialized health care does to the profession?? who's going to want to take on the enormous task of all those years of medical school, the dicipline, studying and dedication needed to become a dr only to become a slave in a self defeating immoral system waiting on hypochodriacs 90% of the time???

    FDR was a traitor to this country in so may ways.

    i'm a "right to choose" person all the way. those who scream right to life completely disregard the rights of the mother that would be forced to bear, raise and provide for a child. having said this i do NOT believe in the concept of free abortion clinics or any of that type of thing. hey i made a mistake when i cut my finger on the tablesaw but i dont see any free table saw cut clinics out there. my mistake, my problem, my bill to pay.

    i didnt know a lot of libertarians were right to lifers. how can they use Rand as a symbol of their politics and then go against her basic political concepts???

    who is John Galt?

  4. You can sign this to help get it repealed.

    We live 5 minutes from Canada and all our Canadian friends hate their system and come here for care whenever possible.

    Makes me really glad I got through my "I wanna be a doctor" phase rather quickly.

    He was, crippled bastard.

    Okay, so we definitely agree on abortion too.
    Just checkin'.
    Abortions have been proven to reduce crime...but now we have to pay for those too.

    The thing is, many of them are reformed Republicans, so a lot of them are pro gay marriage, but cling to pro life beliefs on the basis that the baby has a right to life's because in all likelihood they once clung to Jesus as well;)

    I really like for the most part, but a couple of the people on there are like that. This fellow, Steve Green from vodka pundit is the one I like best. He's not like that.
    Green might be the guy;)

  5. lol, i live 5 minutes from canada too! not kidding! but i dont have any canadian friends, mostly they just piss me off with their shit awful driving and snotty french accents.

    i'll never understand the debate about the rights of a "potential" human life as opposed to one that already exists.

    yeah bring jesus or god into the mix and contradictions abound.

  6. We only have friends there because my dad plays hockey there...and here...and anywhere else he can.
    Ours don't have French Accents, as it's Sarnia, Ontario.

    Last name is Dionne. We have French Canadian Rapist and Native American ancestry on my dads side.
    Yeah, I took Spanish;)

    It may seem weird, but I don't really care that much either way, because I never plan on getting knocked up and I don't usually care about hings that don't affect me personally.

  7. up here they're all from Quebec/Montreal etc etc.

    the abortion arguement does effect you personally and me too. if one segment of the population thinks they have the right to dictate/remove/grant rights to another segment, what makes you think they will stop at abortion?
    rights are not granted by people or governments.... only taken away.

  8. Well, I should say that I didn't care if people were doing it or were against doing it because people have a right to their opinions, but now apparently we have to pay for the abortions of others and that sucks.

    Is it me or in this video, is Obama implying that we should let the right to varying opinions go and just side with him?

    I don't agree with telling people they can't get an abortion, but telling people they aren't allowed to be against abortion is worse.
    "This is America, Dude. Learn the rules. Freedom of Speech, Baby!" - Ghost World.

  9. yeah i agree with that. make it available for free and certain types of women will use it as birth control. how do i know this? i know someone who used to work at a planned parenthood type place and once woman had come in for her 8th abortion. she tried to talk about perhaps she was not making the best choices for her own health and the woman reported her to a supervisor, she got called on the carpet for "judging her" and so she quit. but you know damn well others are doing the same thing.

    but weather people abuse it or not makes no differnce. as far as abortion goes the governments ONLY job is to protect the rights of the citizen who is seeking one, NOT provide a venue for it, nor pay for it with other people's tax dollars. in this case i would agree with the right to lifers in so much as their taxes are paying for a thing which they are vehemently opposed. this is where the foggy concept "common good" shows it's true non-existent colors.

    to be honest i didnt get much from that clip. lots of tyipcal politician speak, i.e. talk much, say as little as possible.

  10. Eek, that's pretty disgusting.

    Exactly, whether you agree with it or not, you shouldn't be forced to pay for it and it is wrong to make people who think it's killing a baby pay to kill a baby. They'll probably get all scared and think they'll burn in hell...which some of them deserve, but you know what I mean;)

    Well, "culture war" is so 90s?
    Don't disagree anymore, that's so last season.
    Fuck him.
    Pardon my french.

  11. "We've taken care of everything
    The words you hear, the songs you sing
    The pictures that give pleasure to your eyes
    It's one for all and all for one
    We work together, common sons
    Never need to wonder how or why

    We are the Priests of the Temples of Syrinx
    Our great computers fill the hallowed halls
    We are the Priests, of the Temples of Syrinx
    All the gifts of life are held within our walls

    Look around at this world we've made
    Equality our stock in trade
    Come and join the Brotherhood of Man
    Oh, what a nice, contented world
    Let the banners be unfurled
    Hold the Red Star proudly high in hand

    We are the Priests of the Temples of Syrinx
    Our great computers fill the hallowed halls
    We are the Priests, of the Temples of Syrinx
    All the gifts of life are held within our walls"

    RUSH - "2112" ;)

  12. What is it, "If you choose not to decide you still have made a choice"?
    Rush is so silly, haha.

  13. in comparison to most other rock music they are silly indeed! to compell the listener to think, egads!

    that song was on my mind today anyway because i read Rand's "Ahthem" last night/this morning and 2112 owes much to her short but intense ode to the ego.

    oh top of that it's a totally kick ass tune :)

  14. This conservative radio host, Dana Loesch, whose blog I like always posts music with her blog and last night she did "God Save the Queen" by Motorhead, which I found pretty amusing:)
